Oxalis vs Clover (Lawn Weeds Similarities & Differences)
LAWN PHIX PRO TIPS Oxalis and clover are two different weeds but have many similarities. I found it easier to keep it simple and treat these weeds the same. Both can be eradicated throughout the ...
Clover Lawn 101: Answers to Your Questions About Planting Clover Instead of Grass
Spend a few minutes watching landscaping videos on TikTok, and you’re bound to come across at least one video touting the benefits of a clover lawn. The buzz about clover lawns is growing nearly as ...
7 Common Weeds with White Flowers (The Ultimate Lawn Weed Guide)
There are many types of flowering weeds, some with white flowers, some with yellow flowers, and some with purple flowers. But lawn weeds are lawn weeds. If you’re hoping to grow a lush, weed-free lawn, ...
How To Get Rid of Clover In Lawns (Kill & Eliminate Clover)
LAWN PHIX PRO TIPS Clover is among the most common broadleaf weeds in residential and commercial lawns. It is a perennial weed with many species, with hop, red, and white clover being the most common. ...