

Lawn Care

Prodiamine Vs. Tenacity Herbicide – What’s The Difference?

If your lawn is lush and green and free from grass weeds and broadleaf weeds, you might not need to worry much about pre and post-emergent herbicides. However, if crabgrass, dandelion weeds, white clover, and ...
2,4-D Amine Post-Emergent Herbicide

Lawn Care

How Long Does 2, 4-D Take To Work & Kill Weeds?

2, 4-D, (2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) is a selective herbicide that controls and kills a wide range of broadleaf weeds. 2,4-D is often combined as a 2-way, 3-way, or 4-way herbicide, generally mixed with dicamba, MCPP, triclopyr, ...
Quinclorac vs Tenacity


Quinclorac vs. Tenacity – What’s the difference?

While identifying grassy weeds and broadleaf weeds can be a challenge in itself, so can be selecting the right herbicide for the job. There’s a slew of different products and chemicals on the market today ...

Products, Crabgrass

Testing The 5 Best Crabgrass Killers of 2024

LAWN PHIX PRO PICK After extensive testing, Drive XLR8 came out on top. The liquid form is easy to pour, and its measurement and application are a breeze. I sometimes mix it with Empero to ...

Products, Crabgrass

The Best Crabgrass Preventers for Lawns (2025 Crabgrass Pre-Emergent Herbicides)

LAWN PHIX PRO PICK I have been using Prodiamine (granular and liquid) as my first-round pre-emergent application every year and will never switch. Yes, it’s yellow and can be messy, but there’s no denying its ...
tenacity herbicide


Tenacity Herbicide Review – A Cool Season Lawn Testimonial

Tenacity Herbicide, produced by Syngenta, has become one of the most talked-about solutions for weed control in cool-season lawns. With its unique ability to act as both a pre- and post-emergent herbicide, it effectively eliminates ...
Black Medic Weeds yellow flower

Lawn Care

How to Kill & Control Weeds in Your Lawn

So your lawn is full of weeds and looking for a DIY how-to kill and control weeds in your yard? Violet, dandelion, clover, creeping charlie, and crabgrass – the list of nasty cool season broadleaf weeds (dandelion) and grassy weeds (crabgrass) here in Zone 6 is a mile long, and they're all rearing their ugly heads now in the spring. April showers bring May flowers... and weeds galore!Follow these steps to help kill, control, and prevent weeds in your lawn.