When to Fertilize Your Lawn (A Guide to Green & Healthy Grass)
If you search online, you will literally find a myriad of answers to the question, “when to fertilize lawn.” Some say fertilize heavily in the spring, and some say in the fall. Moreover, you’ll find ...
Calcium for Lawns – The Ultimate Guide to Applying Calcium to Your Lawn
Your lawn soil is basically made up of clay, silt, sand, and organic matter. However, that’s putting it a bit simply. Within these ‘ingredients’ are some basic nutrients that are also part of your soil–or ...
THE BEST Lawn Fertilizers for Grass (Updated November 2022)
Maintaining a healthy lawn means choosing the best fertilizer for your grass type, climate, and lawn conditions. Although there are lots of lawn fertilizers to choose from today, you can narrow down the selection by ...
Best Time to Fertilize Lawn: Before or After Rain?
Lawn Phix Pro Tips Timing your fertilizer application around rainfall can make a big difference in achieving a greener, healthier lawn. For my Lawn Phix customers, I always recommend checking the weather forecast before spreading ...
What’s the Difference Between Ironite & Milorganite?
We all strive every year to get our lawns green – a deeper dark green lawn. With so many products and brands out there in the lawn care market, it can get confusing. One question ...
Lime For Lawns (What is Lime and When to Apply?)
When it comes to lime for lawns, homeowners often find themselves confused. When should it be applied, and how much is too much? Do lawns even need lime? Sometimes they do, but it can be ...
THE BEST Starter Fertilizer For Grass, Seed & Lawns (2024)
LAWN PHIX PRO PICK The best starter fertilizer that I’ve used, and the one I recommend to all of my customers, is The Andersons 18-24-12 . It’s the perfect 3-4-2 ratio of N-P-K, with 50% ...
NEW Kelp4Less Lawn Care Products (EffortLush)
Over two years of integrating Kelp4less products into my lawn care regimen, months of experimenting, and countless hours of research and math, and it has come to fruition. I’m super excited to announce the new ...
Yard Mastery Fertilizer & Lawn Care Products
Yard Mastery Lawn Care Products The biggest and brightest new edition this year is now available for purchase at Yard Mastery. Featuring their own line of fertilizers that are excellent choices for all grasses across ...
What is Nitrogen Blitz?
A popular topic this time of year for cool season lawns is Nitrogen Blitz. This dedicated approach to feeding your lawn in the fall can provide many benefits for the remainder of the growing season. ...
Kelp4Less Green Lawn & Turf
The awesome guys and gals at Kelp4Less have a brand new product – and this time it’s specifically formulated for us lawn care addicts. Just in time for the 2020 lawn care season, Green Lawn ...